“Mobile Suit Gundam” Char’s Zaku II Becomes an Action Figure Under the “Gundam Universe” Series! Check Out the Imposing Design!

Posted by nagao, January 20 2021, 09:58
“Mobile Suit Gundam” Char’s Zaku II Becomes an Action Figure Under the “Gundam Universe” Series! Check Out the Imposing Design! From the "Mobile Suit Gundam" series comes "Char's Zaku II" under the action figure series, "Gundam Universe".
The product will be on shelves from May 2021.

"Gundam Universe MS-06S Char's Zaku II" is a 3D model of Char's Zaku II with the imposing design of the "Gundam Universe" series.

The figure comes with a Zaku Machinegun and Heat Hawk, letting you pose it in very Zaku-like postings. And with the "Gundam Universe RX-78-2 Gundam", which is sold... Read More
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