The anime "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean" will receive an early distribution globally and exclusively on Netflix from Decemb...
Uchida Yuuma, Nakamura Yuuichi, Uchiyama Kouki, and Shimazaki Nobunaga were in the promo video of "WIND BREAKER", the bad boy manga seria...
From the full-length animated film "Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045 Sustainable War", the first 8 minutes of the main story have specially be...
It has been announced that the "Winter Special Episode" of the TV anime "Pokémon" will be broadcast for two consecutive weeks o...
Most of the anime for fall 2021 has already broadcast Episode 1.
As well as main stories, theme songs that condense the world settings into 1 m...
"HeavenlyHelly" has been launched as a new content under the joint project by 4 companies, Universal Music Artists, Aoni Production, Movi...
A visual and teaser of "The Eminence in Shadow" have been released.
"The Eminence in Shadow" is a misunderstood serious com...
It was revealed that the original TV anime "Tokyo Twenty Fourth Ward" will be broadcast in January 2022. This anime is directed by Tsuda ...
The anime commemoration PV (long version) of "Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie" (Broadcast starts in April 2022) has been released on Oc...
To commemorate the release of "Sword Art Online the Movie: Progressive - Aria of a Starless Night", the first TV broadcast of "Sword...
It was revealed that the TV anime "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom" Part 2 is set for January 2022. The teaser visual and teaser P...
It was announced that the anime "The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc" will be broadcast in winter 2022. The 1st CM, key ...
The PV and key visual of the TV anime "The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt" have been released along with the ...
From "Date A Live IV", the latest series of "Date A Live", the 1st PV has been revealed. In addition, it was announced that the...
From the TV anime "Heaven Official's Blessing", the synopsis and sneak peek from episode 11 "Sand-buried Rights and Wrongs"...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 - Episode 11, this ep begins by comparing the previous lives of both Nao...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following Skeleton Knight in Another World - Episode 11, Arc, unconscious Ariane and Chiyome are inside Fumba’s hideout. ...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following Spy x Family - Episode 11, this ep begins with an old woman working a subway kiosk. She’s secretly a WISE agent...