Marvelous Photo Mode Available in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PS5

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the sequel title to hit video game Spider-Man PS4, released on November 12, 2020, alongside the PS5 launch. Like its predecessor, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is exclusive to PlayStation. Both PS4 and PS5 versions of the game have been out for over a week to positive reviews by both fans and gaming outlets, with a total of over 41,000 copies sold in Japan according to Famitsu.
In a recent PlayStation Blog, the game’s developer, Insomniac, unveiled that a new Photo Mode was available in the game. James Steveson, the company’s Community Director, remarked that the team knew it had to make a Photo Mode “better than ever” for Spider-Man: Miles Morales, as a response to the incredible images created by gamers using Photo Mode in the series’ previous entry.
A major improvement to the Mode involves allowing players to control multiple lights sources. Stevenson said, “You’ll be able to place and control up to three lights and adjust height, distance, color, light intensity, color intensity, spread and softness.” This feature is separate from controlling natural lighting within the game, which is also possible.
Another welcome change from the original game is the ability to alter Spider-Man’s outfits while in Photo Mode. With over a dozen stylish suits in the main character Miles’ wardrobe, players will be able to take photos of several types of Wall-Crawler subjects, all while keeping to one pose.
The writer of this article is a huge fan of Photo Modes in contemporary video games, and a huge lover of Spider-Man as well. He’s very excited to give the new Photo Mode a spin and share his creative side with his friends! Players have been encouraged by Insomniac to share their creations with hashtags #MilesMoralesPS5, #MilesMoralesPS4 and #SpiderManPS5 on social media.
(image source: Amazon)