Devil May Cry's Dante Added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a Mii Fighter Costume

Gaming August 06, 12:38 0
On June 28, Masahiro Sakurai held a Mr. Sakurai Presents “Kazuya” livestream, detailing information on the latest addition to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster - Kazuya from the Tekken series! Kazuya is the fifth DLC Fighter to join the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter Pass Vol. 2 DLC, following Min Min, Steve/Alex, Sephiroth, and Pyra/Mythra.

Kazuya became available to download on June 29, along with four new Mii Fighter costumes that were announced during the Mr. Sakurai Presents “Kazuya” event. The four new costumes are Dragonborn from Skyrim, Shantae from Shantae, Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, and Dante from Devil May Cry. Check out the full official video below.

The last addition of Dante as a Mii Fighter costume is especially disappointing to fans who have been hoping he would be added as a new unique DLC Fighter. With Dante’s numerous iconic weapons and special moves, he seems like the perfect fit as a Smash Bros. Fighter. After all, Bayonetta, who comes from an action game in the same genre as Dante, made it into the roster.

Only one more mystery character remains to be added to the Fighter Pass Vol. 2 DLC. The timing that that character will be revealed is TBD. But since Dante’s likeness has been used for a Mii Swordfighter, that probably means the character will not become a DLC fighter as well. Traditionally, that’s how it’s been, anyways. While not every fan’s dream gaming character can be included in Smash Bros., Dante would have definitely been appreciated by many. Then again, maybe Sakurai is saving the best for last - the highly demanded addition of Waluigi! Probably not. But we can still dream for a short while.

Image source: Game Press assets
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