‘Godzilla Singular Point’ The monster “Rodan” appears! Yun and Otaki Goro fight back with a robot! Advance cutscene of episode 2

Anime April 12, 10:16 0
From the TV anime "Godzilla Singular Point", the synopsis and advance cutscene of episode 2, which will be broadcast on Thursday, April 8, have been revealed. 

"Godzilla Singular Point" is a completely new anime, which is different from the past "Godzilla"films, as it is produced by combining hand-written and CG animation under the cooperation of Bones, an animation studio, and Orange, known for its high quality CG animation.

In episode 2, a monster "Rodan" suddenly appears at the station. Yun and Gorou fight back against him with "Jet Jaguar", a robot built by the Otaki Factory.

On the other hand, while Mei has been leading a strange life with "Pero 2", a strange AI born out of software she installed, she gets contacted by Prof. Lee and heads to Tokyo.

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