The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt - Episode 3 Review - Wein's Old Friend Lowa Visits

Anime February 02, 09:41 0
Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Following The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt - Episode 2, this episode begins with a flashback to Wein’s and Ninym’s days back in the military academy. They were having a celebratory dinner with a group of friends, one of which was a blonde-haired cutie named Lowa. Lowa had a knack of getting into trouble, but she was smart. Making she and Wein quite the pair.

Back in the present, Wein is forced to wear ceremonial attire to greet a visiting princess from the Empire that he has never met before, or so he thinks. When he and his sister Falanya greet the Princess, Lowellmina Earthworld, she takes off her veil to reveal it’s Lowa! Shocker! Supposedly, she wants to propose her hand in marriage to Wein!

So both Wein and Lowa hid their high positions to be part of the military academy.

Knowing Lowa’s personality, Wein has his guard up. He suspects the marriage proposal is just a front, scheming something behind it.

During the welcome dinner, Wein and Lowa speak discreetly. She sneakily informs him that she’s being escorted and watched by her brothers’, the princes’, advisors and such. And there’s definitely a serious rivalry going on in their family. So Wein must continue to be cautious about what he says.

After dinner, Wein and Ninym sneak into Lowa’s room through clothes chests. So they can finally speak candidly. Ambassador Fisch Brandel comes into the room, but it’s okay. She’s a trusted assistant of Lowa’s. Fisch has been gathering intel in Natra for Lowa before her arrival.

Lowa reveals the real reason she’s in Natra. To ask Wein to help her take the Empire. Her three brother princes are fighting each other in a succession battle. She has no supporters in her own kingdom, so she’s seeking Wein’s help. He can’t agree to something like that so easily. But supposedly Lowa has an ace up her sleeve to convince him. 

Then Nanaki asks Ninym to speak with Falanya. They meet, and Falanya is worried things will change if her brother gets married. But Ninym tells her things won’t change. Falanya also straight up says  that she expected her brother and Ninym to get married. But Ninym says that won’t happen, because of her race. And that’s not the kind of relationship they have.

Later in a private bath, Lowa and Ninym reminisce about how she had a lot of suitors, including some creep named Gerard Angatal.

This Antgatal country betrayed an alliance that went against the Empire. Angatal helped the Empire conquer their enemies to be the power that it is today. Now it seems Gerard has inherited the kingdom - he’s rude, cowardly, and tyrannical. 

Then a general reports to Wein that weapons made from another country have been smuggled into Natra. Wein suspects this is Lowa’s doing, forcing him to help her in war! Maybe next ep we’ll get yet another military strategy ep! 

Image source: Amazon
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