The anime streaming service "d Anime Store" conducted a survey on which autumn 2020 anime people are continuously watching. These are the...
"Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna", released in Japan in February 2020, has been released in all the regions of the Mainland China...
From "Mobile Suit Gundam" comes a limited edition "TAMASHII NATIONS TOKYO" RX-78-2 Gundam with detailed markings recreated from...
The latest visual of the TV anime "Fire Force Season 2" that marks the start of "United Front with Company 2 Arc" from episode ...
In commemoration of the collaboration between "Evangelion" and Kanebo Cosmetics make-up brand "KATE", the original video of Aya...
From "Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-" comes a 1/7 scale figure of Rem in the china dress. Pre-orders are currently available at...
November 2 is "Day of the Dead".
In Catholicism, it is set as a day of prayer for the dead, and especially in Mexico, it is known for...
The long-awaited day, the launch of the Playstation 5, has finally come to several countries around the world, including Japan. And as reported by ...
Fushiguro senses that the special-grade curse is dead, but it’s no time for celebration. Before he can react, Sukuna in Itadori’s body appears behi...
Fans of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! are being presented with special fan service. That is to say, this figure of Hana Uzaki depicts the manga/ani...
Kusue laments getting poor scores in PE class due to her physical condition. After the scary incident with the bandits, she realizes she is holding...
October 30 is "First Love Day".
It was established by Nakadana-sou in Komoro City, Nagano, the hotel related to Touson, as a com...
November 2 is Ishida Akira's birthday.
Ishida Akira made is debut in 1990. He won the Sub Character Award for Male Actors at the 1st ...
November 1 is Dog's Day.
It's a wordplay on "11 (one, one) 1 (one)" (dogs barks "ワン", which is pronounced li...
From the Netflix movie 'Over the Moon' directed by Glen Keane, a legendary Disney animator, a six minute long original video has been rev...