To celebrate the release of the 100th volume of “Detective Conan” manga, a one-night-only special talk show “Edogawa Conan x Amuro Toru Special Tal...
"Jujutsu Kaisen" is currently holding a collaboration with the bath additives "Kikiyu Fine Heat". The newly drawn original illu...
The collaboration between "Sailor Moon Eternal" and Lake Sagami Illumillion has been announced. The collaboration called, "Sailor Mo...
The collaboration between the TV anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" and Tokyo Skytree, called "'Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Ya...
The event of “My Hero Academia” called “First Villain Alliance Assembly”, in which the Villain Alliance casts gather at once, released the event vi...
On August 2, 2021, the Comic Market Preparation Committee announced that "Comic Market 99" will be held at the East, West and South Exhib...
"Isekai Museum (Museum of Another World)", the multi exhibition that combined 4 another world anime titles "Overlord", "Ko...
The latest work between the collaboration of the TV anime "Detective Conan" and the "Real Escape Game", called "Escape fro...
It was decided that Masuda Toshiki and Uchida Maaya are the welcome ambassadors for the manga and anime event "Kyoto International Manga Anime...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 - Episode 11, this ep begins by comparing the previous lives of both Nao...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following Skeleton Knight in Another World - Episode 11, Arc, unconscious Ariane and Chiyome are inside Fumba’s hideout. ...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following Spy x Family - Episode 11, this ep begins with an old woman working a subway kiosk. She’s secretly a WISE agent...