To celebrate the release of the 100th volume of “Detective Conan” manga, a one-night-only special talk show “Edogawa Conan x Amuro Toru Special Tal...
The main visual from the TV anime "Takt Op. Destiny" has been released. Wakayama Shion, Hondo Kaede, Ito Miku, Hino Satoshi, Minase Inori...
Keaton Yamada-san, who has been the narrator for the national TV anime “Chibi Maruko-chan” (broadcast every Sunday from 6:00 PM) for 31 years since...
It was decided that Masuda Toshiki and Uchida Maaya are the welcome ambassadors for the manga and anime event "Kyoto International Manga Anime...
Voice actress, Uchida Maya, known for her role as Katarina Claes from "My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!" and Norman...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 - Episode 11, this ep begins by comparing the previous lives of both Nao...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following Skeleton Knight in Another World - Episode 11, Arc, unconscious Ariane and Chiyome are inside Fumba’s hideout. ...
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Following Spy x Family - Episode 11, this ep begins with an old woman working a subway kiosk. She’s secretly a WISE agent...