The one-and-only magazine specializing in "Mobile Suit Gundam", "Monthly Gundam Ace" January 2021 edition was released on Novem...
A recent flashback is shown of the mysterious boy at the end of the previous episode, Junpei Yoshino. He’s being bullied by his classmates. As Yosh...
It was decided that the broadcast of the anime "Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation" based on Square Enix's action RPG "Subara...
Jougo ambushes Gojou on a secluded road. Jougo is able to hit Gojou with some powerful attacks, but he is surprised to see Gojou is unscathed by th...
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the sequel title to hit video game Spider-Man PS4, released on November 12, 2020, alongside the PS5 launch. Lik...
The D-powered Takio seems to have the edge over Franken. But Franken releases his true power, which proves too much for Takio. Takio is motivated b...
The Inuyasha series fan favorite, Sesshomaru, is up for pre-order as a posable Nendoroid figure! Anime fans will easily remember Sesshomaru from th...
The long-awaited day, the launch of the Playstation 5, has finally come to several countries around the world, including Japan. And as reported by ...
Fushiguro senses that the special-grade curse is dead, but it’s no time for celebration. Before he can react, Sukuna in Itadori’s body appears behi...
Fans of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! are being presented with special fan service. That is to say, this figure of Hana Uzaki depicts the manga/ani...
Kusue laments getting poor scores in PE class due to her physical condition. After the scary incident with the bandits, she realizes she is holding...
Surprise! For a limited time while supplies last, Amazon is sending packages purchased through the E-commerce retailer in Super Mario-themed cardbo...
Tao and Manabu run into each other again online via the police department’s security system. They take part in another competitive hack-off and app...
According to an article on Kotaku, Sony may soon be closing an exclusive deal to purchase massively popular anime streaming service Crunchyroll to ...
The three first-year students are in front of the detention center being briefed on dealing with the cursed womb previewed in the previous episode....